Payment Terms:

Payment is required to initiate the order. Order is in U.S. dollars. Please quote the order number on all correspondence.

Shipping Terms:

All ship dates are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Shipping covers inside delivery to a ground level. This is limited to garage/car port drop off. Any additional labor, special moving equipment, special handling services, re-delivery or storage will result in additional charges.


Cancellation of shipped orders, that are unopened and/or unused, will be charged a 15% restocking fee plus the return freight charges. Returned equipment will only be accepted within 30 days of the delivered date.


All equipment is warranted exclusively by the original manufacturer.

Standard Terms:

The use of any exercise equipment, including, without limitation, Keiser’s strength training equipment in which resistance can be changed at anytime during the repetition, and any fixed gear bike, including, without limitation, the Keiser M5i, without proper instruction and supervision violates the terms of this agreement for purchase of such products. The ability to add resistance anytime during a repetition, including, without limitation, the ability to do a heavy negative may be dangerous, especially for anyone that does not recognize or respect the potential danger. The inability to stop pedaling on a fixed gear strider before the flywheel stops may also be dangerous to anyone riding, especially anyone that does not recognize or respect the potential danger. Therefore, users, agents, or anyone directing the use of said equipment shall determine the suitability of the product for its intended use, and said parties are specifically put on notice that they shall assume all risk and liability in connection herewith. This does not include liabilities arising out of, connected with, and/or relating to the design, manufacture, materials, or workmanship of any Keiser Product.


elliptica will confirm your ship date within 48 hours of booking the order. All ship dates are assigned on a first come, first served basis. The customer is responsible for inspection of each unit and part for shipping damage at time of delivery or installation, and prior to signing receiving paperwork. If the customer signs an unqualified receipt for freight damage goods, the customer is solely responsible for the cost of the repair or replacement for such freight damage.

In placing this order you acknowledge that you are authorized to purchase the products listed and have read and agree to these terms and conditions. These terms are in addition to and supersede all other terms of this sale.