A cardinal rule in M&A is to not destroy value, so you need to take the time to build your processes and plan for the event that something goes wrong. I’ve found that the most frequent problems are related to people – how they respond to change and how they resist it, and what they do when things don’t go according to plan.

One of the most important services we offer our clients is helping them set up a process that allows them to recognize potential issues early and react quickly to them. This can be achieved by holding weekly IMO meeting and functional work streams to monitor progress and escalate issues and risks to the SteerCo.

When the strategy for dealing with issues is in place, it’s important to focus on the process of execution. This means that the team knows what it’s expected to accomplish and how it will be measured, and when. It’s also about clearly defining accountability (i.e. ownership of the final results) and decision making authority for the entire business.

It is crucial to ensure that the CEO and upper management can devote at minimum 90 percent of their time on core business concerns and avoid getting distracted by integration activities. It’s best to designate one person to head the Decision Management Office and coordinate work streams. This can be someone from the acquiring organization, or it can be an emerging star within the newly formed business that has the backing of their boss to fulfill this commitment.
